Recently, my son, aged ten, took part in a mental health workshop at his school. During the session, he engaged in activities like “Where is the Worry?,” “My Life,” and “Where do I Feel?” which are accessible on most mental health platforms. Through artistic expressions, especially drawing, he effectively expressed his feelings. The school shared a collection of his work with me. As we reviewed each worksheet, I not only heard about his emotional experiences but also visually understood them through his art.This workshop not only helped the school assess student well-being but also encouraged students to communicate their emotions.
Worksheets are valuable tools that empower children to manage stress, regulate emotions, and change negative thought patterns. They offer cognitive challenges that boost problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence, helping children navigate their emotions effectively. The flexibility of worksheets ranges from developing strong self-regulation skills to refining social abilities. These personalized mental health tools are effective in alleviating anxiety and catering to each child’s unique needs, providing tailored mental health support for young minds.
Happy Place Worksheet
When feeling anxious or low, imagining a happy place can bring comfort. Guide your child to draw this, aiding in relaxation and reflection on their emotions afterward.
Anxiety Triggers Worksheet
Anxiety is often triggered by specific events or situations, but children may struggle to identify these triggers. Utilise a worksheet to list triggers and assist your child in recognizing signs of anxiety or panic.
Anxious Thoughts Breakdown
Anxiety can be unpredictable, making it challenging for children to cope. Use an anxiety worksheet to help your child confront and challenge anxious thoughts, transforming them into more positive ones. By jotting down their anxious thoughts, your child can analyse the situation and contemplate their true thoughts. Work together to break down these worried thoughts, finding ways to challenge and convert them into positive ones.
There are amazing websites focused on mental health and well-being that offer a variety of free worksheets for your child to download. These resources can not only benefit your child but also provide you with valuable insights into their emotions, all while being enjoyable to use.
Have fun!
Love Eliza x